
April's Insomnia Socks for Socs!



Socks for Socs returns for April! This time around, if you want your own stylish socks, you'll need a stylish spot over at our NSE exclusive BYOC area at insomnia! The competition for April is to see who has the best decorated society area in the NSE BYOC area, so get your drip ready now. 

Intel are bringing a bunch of socks ready and waiting to be handed out at insomnia, so make sure you do your best in decorating and making sure your zone passes the vibe check. We're talking bunting, we're talking flags, we're talking posters, anything and everything that you want to bring in order to make your seats unique.

Remember, ticket sales end next week, so you don't have long to get tickets for you and your society. We also still have a few of our free PC rentals available, and you can find out more about how to book them for the event here.

The NSE BYOC Ticket

    • £99 each (not including booking fees) (Original ticket price is £119)
    • NSE BYOC space for the whole 5 day event from 6pm Thursday to 4pm Monday
    • Entrance from 10am until 6pm into the Expo Hall from Friday (4pm on Monday) (same as BYOC priority ticket)
    • Gain access on Thursday to the BYOC hall from 6pm
    • A table, chair, power and network access in the LAN hall
    • Able to participate in Insomnia BYOC tournaments
    • Access to the Community Games area
    • Access to the Esports stage and bar in BYOC after hours
    • Access to the NSE partner area
    • Access to NSE spectator area to watch BUEC
    • Camping tickets are bought separately, camping IS NOT included
    • To ensure only students take advantage of the discount, you must book with your student email!

Got a question? Read the FAQs and full details about the event here. You can also ask us a question at or in the Insomnia channel in the NSE Discord.


BUEC Broadcast Schedule

Saturday 09:00 Dota 2
  14:00 Overwatch
  17:00 League of Legends
Sunday 10:00 Rocket League
  12:00 Rainbow Six: Siege
  15:30 Valorant
  19:00 CS:GO


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