Sunjaya Phillips, from the Intel FutureGen 2024 cohort, recounts her time at ESL One Birmingham:
ESL One Birmingham 2024 is a Dota 2 event held in the UK. For me, it was my first ever esports event experience.
The venue setup was incredible and perfectly suited for a large-scale event. Individual screens for each player bordered the central screen, creating an immersive experience. A raised stage for the host and presenters added a touch of prominence, while the red carpet along both aisles leading to the main stage infused the atmosphere with elegance and a sense of occasion.
Thanks to Becky Wright, NSE and Intel, I had the opportunity to attend the weekend and they had kindly set up a backstage tour for the Intel FutureGen cohort.
On Friday, we got an insider look at the production side of the event. The level of sophistication and coordination of the crew behind the scenes was truly impressive. It was fascinating to see how each person played a crucial role in ensuring the event ran smoothly.
The first game of the day was Team Liquid v Heroic, with the crowd being very enthusiastic and engaging, especially towards the cameras. Despite being new to Dota 2, I felt part of the community from my first day.
To conclude Friday, my friend Jennie and I, received goody bags with our tickets. The bags included a t-shirt, hoodie, special event coin, beanie, and food and drink vouchers, which greatly enhanced our experience for the entire weekend.
Returning on Sunday for the Grand Finals, the event featured a thrilling showdown between BBL and Team Falcons. The finals followed a best-of-five format. In the first two games, BBL appeared to take the lead, securing the first kills and maintaining a significant kills advantage. However, Falcons focused on objectives, which proved to be a superior strategy. When they finally went on the offensive, they overwhelmed BBL and secured victory shortly after had surprised me being new to Dota 2 and how the game worked. The third game was decisive, with Team Falcons starting strong and aggressive ultimately winning the tournament and lifting the trophy.
Overall, ESL One Birmingham 2024 was an unforgettable experience, offering an exciting introduction to the world of Dota 2 and esports.
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