
University Call of Duty Free Agent Signup

Call of Duty

Week 1-3 Round Robin

Week 3(weekend) Finals


League Format

Stage 1 Round Robin (Week 1-3)
In stage 1, teams will play two Bo5 matches a week in a round robin group stage. This round robin will determine seeding into stage 2.

Stage 2 Playoffs (Week 4)
In stage 2 teams play bo5 matches in a double a elimination bracket until 3 teams remain.

Stage 3 Finals (Week 4 weekend)
The top 3 teams qualify will qualify for finals weekend. This will consist of a bo5 lower bracket final and a Bo7 Grand final.

Pools Round Robin
Round robin from week 1 to week 3 will allow you to play each team in the league to secure your place in the playoffs for week 4 which is a double elimination bracket to get to the finals.

  • All players participating must be a current or former University student in the UK or Ireland (only physical universities are allowed)
  • Division games will be Tuesday slotted for 7:00 PM GMT and 8:30 PM GMT
  • Schedules will be generated by Staff and posted on the website and discord at the start of each season.
  • Players should use Discord group chats and website match pages to connect with their teams and opponents
  • Players must be 18 years of age or over to participate from when signing up
  • All players on premade teams must be from the same University
  • Scores must be reported on the University COD Discord
  • Players may only be on 1 Mixed Team or 1 Premade team per season.
  • If a team would like to have someone observe the match in codcaster, the other team must approve it. They have the right to deny an observer.

Signups Close 12th February

Date Stage
Tuesday 21st November Round Robin
Tuesday 28th November Round Robin
Tuesday 5th December Round Robin
Saturday 9th December Playoffs
Sunday 10th December Finals
