
Smash NSE Spring

Smash Ultimate

3v3 Teams

Week 1-4 Swiss league
Week 5-6 Playoffs


Online via the NSE Discord


Smash NSE Spring will run over 6 weeks with matches taking place every Thursday. Teams will play 2-3 matches a week and the tournament will use a modified Swiss format. After the first 4 weeks the teams will be split into playoff divisions.

Click here to open the player guide


1st - £150

2nd - £90

3rd - £60

Top 4 - BUEC Championship Pins

In addition to other prizes this tournament awards British University Esports Championship Points.

Nintendo is not a sponsor of or affiliated with this tournament.


This is a quick summary of rules that most players need to know. Click here to download the full rulebook.

  • All players must be current students from the same university. 
  • Teams must have at least 3 players. Teams may add/remove players from the team between weeks.
  • If teams are more than 20 minutes late they will forfeit the match.
  • Check in deadline is 6:30pm. Teams who don't check in will not get games for that evening.
  • Offensive player and team names are not allowed.
  • Verbal abuse is not allowed. In particular any use of racist, sexist, homophobic or any other discriminatory language will be suspended for the remainder of the season (minimum of 3 weeks, carried over to the following season).
  • If a match ends with the successful use of a character’s self-destruct move, the results screen will determine the winner.
  • Mii Fighters: Any move combination
    • The other player must be made aware of move setup before the game starts. This can be done via a discord message.

Players are expected to uphold the NSE Code of Conduct whilst competing in this tournament.

How 3v3 Teams works

Players from the opposing teams then take turns fighting in 1v1 matches, with the winner of a match carrying their remaining stock(s) to face the next member of the opposing team. Stocks lost by the victorious player in a previous match are subtracted from the player's stocks by self-destructing at the beginning of the next match. For example, if Player A defeated the other team's Player B with two stocks remaining, they would need to SD until only two stocks remained for the next match against Player C, who starts with full stocks. This continues until one team runs completely out of stocks, in which case the other team is the victor.

Match procedure:

  1. Each team designates first player
  2. Both players go into the arena with their character picked, then hit start to show each other their character at the same time. They then cancel the match to do the stage bans.
  3. Team 1 bans three stages
  4. Team 2 picks two of the remaining stages
  5. Team 1 picks one of the two stages to play on
  6. The players play the first game of the set
  7. The winning player is character locked and must stay the same character as their previous games
  8. Losing team selects new player and character to play for next game
  9. Winning player of the previous game bans three stages
  10. The new player picks a stage for the next game
  11. The next game is played
  12. Repeat stage 6-11 until all players on a team are eliminated

Stage List

  • Battlefield
  • Final Destination
  • Hollow Bastion
  • Kalos Pokémon League
  • Pokémon Stadium 2
  • Small Battlefield
  • Smashville
  • Town and City
  • Yoshi's Story

Game settings

  • 3 Stock
  • 10:00 minutes
  • Final Smash Meter: Off
  • Spirits: Off
  • Damage Handicap: Off
  • Stage Selection: Anyone
  • Items: Off and None
  • First to 1 Win
  • Stage Morph: Off
  • Stage Hazards: Off
  • Team Attack: On
  • Launch Rate: 1.0x
  • Underdog Boost: Off

All decisions regarding the interpretation and enforcement of these rules are at the sole discretion of the NSE Admin Team, whose decisions are final.
These rules may be amended, changed or supplemented when required by the NSE Admin Team to ensure fair play and competitive integrity.

Sign-ups Close Tuesday 4th February

Dates Tournament Stage
Tuesday 4th Feb Sign-ups Close
Thursday 6th Feb Swiss
Thursday 13th Feb Swiss
Thursday 20th Feb Swiss
Thursday 27th Feb


Thursday 6th Mar


Thursday 13th Mar


All games will be played on Thursday evening and cannot be rearranged. Games will have a normal start time of 7.15pm. Further information on the format can be found in the Player Guide.
