
Dota 2 BUDL Fearless Tournament

Dota 2

Swiss 2 Weeks

Division 1 & 2

Double Elimination


This tournament is ran by BUDL. Signups are open to students and alumni. 

This tournament will be split into 2 stages swiss and Playoffs.

Stage 1 swiss
During first 2 weeks each team will play 2 bo1 matches a week. Teams with 3 wins or better will progress to division 1. Teams with 2 wins will progress to division 2 upper bracket. Other teams will be put into division 2 lower bracket

Stage 2 Playoffs
All games in playoffs will be bo3 fearless draft. Teams in division 1 will play in a standard double elimination bracket. Teams in division 2 will play in accelerated double elimination bracket with some teams starting in lower bracket based on swiss results.

Format is subject to change based on final signup numbers

Alumni Signup
If you're an Alumni and need assistance setting up your account, simply fill out this form or get in touch with Once a team is created alumni will need to be manually added to you team by an admin. To get players added please email with team name and players you wish to be added.

Please log in to register for this tournament


This is a summary of the rules. Here is a link to the full rules.

All players are required to join the provided Discord Server.
All participants must be current students or alumni from the same university.
A team must consist of 5 players at least with or without 2 subs at maximum
You may add or remove players after each week
Teams must be ready and be in the lobby at game time. If they are not ready more than 15 minutes after the official game time, they will receive a default loss for that game.

Game Settings:

GAME MODE - Captain’s Mode
Selection Priority - Automatic
PENALTY-DIRE - No penalty
Enable cheats - No
Fill empty slots with bots - No
SPECTATORS - enabled
DOTA TV DELAY - 2 minutes (unticketed games) or 5 minutes (ticketed games)
The game in a series is scheduled to start 10 minutes after the conclusion of the previous game unless stated otherwise by Admins.


All decisions regarding the interpretation and enforcement of these rules are at the sole discretion and are final.
These rules may be amended, changed, or supplemented when required by the Admin Team to ensure fair play and competitive integrity.

Date Event
Sunday 9th Feb Swiss
Sunday 16th Feb Swiss
Sunday 23rd Feb Division 1 and 2 Playoffs
Sunday 2nd Feb Division 1 and 2 Playoffs
Sunday 9th Mar Division 1 and 2 Playoffs
Sunday 16th Mar Division 1 and 2 Playoffs (2 games lower bracket)
Sunday 23rd Mar Division 1 and 2 Playoffs (2 games lower bracket)

​Matches will have a normal start time of 7.15pm on Sunday. The only exception is additional of lower bracket games on Sunday 16th & 23rd of March which will have a start time of 4pm. Teams my agree to rearrange matches but all admins must be contacted in advance and games must be played before the normal start time.
