
Intel FutureGen

Intel FutureGen is a programme designed by NSE and Intel that aims to help high-achieving student leaders that are hungry to get a career in the esports industry by developing their network and getting exclusive career insights from industry professionals.

The programme delivers a series of guest speakers from senior industry leaders plus exclusive Q&As, workshops, a new industry buddy system, access to industry events, and much more. Running through the academic year, the programme is delivered across a mix of digital and physical experiences and is a real opportunity and accolade for any aspiring esports industry professional.

Visit the Intel FutureGen Hub on our website for all talk info and FutureGen news

Buddy system

To deliver you the best experience, various esports industry experts in marketing, reporting, finance, partnership management and many other areas were carefully selected and matched with each successful Intel FutureGen candidate to provide the most relevant insights to the career path they are interested in pursuing.

After being paired up, the candidates then have the opportunity to have at least 3 one-to-one calls with their 'buddy' in which they can get invaluable insights and advice about their dream career path.

We were fortunate enough to be able to expand the cohort of 2021/2022 to 20 candidates! 

Want to be part of the 2022/2023 cohort? 

If you think you've got what it takes to join the new cohort or know someone who would be interested, sign-ups for the next cohort will open later on in the year and successful candidates will be announced in winter.

Applications will be initially reviewed and shortlisted by NSE staff, and the final selection will be made by our chosen panel of industry professional judges that will be part of the program for the rest of the year.

Related Resources

Monster Plays
Made a nutty play while competing in an NSE competition? Submit the clip to Monster Plays and you can earn copious amounts of Monster for a year!
NSE, EPIC.LAN & Community Broadcast Directory
We're looking for casters, observers and hosts to register their details on the NSE & EPIC.LAN broadcast directory!
NSE Internships
Want to join in on the fun at NSE? We run three 3-month paid internships each year over the Winter, Spring and Summer seasons. No experience required!
Freelance Opportunities
Looking for freelance opportunities? We're looking for creative people to register their details on the NSE Creative Freelance Directory for us to use for future events and projects.
Student Articles
Want to show off your writing skills or got something cool you want to talk about? You can submit an article for us to post on the news page on the website!