
Monster Plays - Apex Legends Edition



We've got something special for all of you Apex Legends fans! To celebrate the partnership between Monster Energy and Apex Legends, we're giving you the chance to show off your best plays.

For four weeks starting on Thursday 2nd December, we'll be collecting your clips and the community will decide on who is deserving of receiving a Monster Energy Stock Drop of 96 cans. Submissions will close at 10am on the following Mondays. Open to students and alumni of the NSE community.

This week's submissions close Monday 6th December at 10am.

Some weeks have a theme, others are free for you to submit any clip you think will win the community vote!



  • Wednesday 8th December - Octane specific clips
  • Wednesday 15th December - Any legend clips
  • Wednesday 15th December - Any legend clips
  • Wednesday 29th December - Any legend clips

The four winning clips from the previous weeks will then have their clips judged by the popular UK streamer, ONSCREEN, to decide on the ultimate Apex Legends Monster Play. The winner will receive £500 off a PCSpecialist order and will also win a gaming experience with ONSCREEN by being part of his broadcast and joining his team for a few Apex Legends matches.


Once submissions close, we whittle down the entries to the top five, feature those in a weekly video and then open the fan vote for the NSE community to pick their favourite clip. This will happen on Wednesdays at the same time the submissions for the next week open.

Submissions are now open! Fill out the form here or below:



Terms & conditions 



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