
March 2024 Intel Monthly MVP and April Nominations



The Intel Monthly MVP is a community-driven award where students around the country can nominate their peers for their outstanding behaviours, activities, achievements and just generally going above and beyond within gaming and esports.

This month the winner is Holly 'Opalus' Burgess. They were nominated (and won) due to going above and beyond for Cardiff Esports Society.

Here's a little extract of what Holly was nominated for:
"Holly has been recently elected and is making sure the society thrives by taking the lead in a time of strife for the society and has really made a positive impact and has stepped up when needed."

We sat down with our MVP to have a quick chat about their time at the Cardiff University:


If you know of somebody who you think is an outstanding member of your community, for any reason, then please, nominate them for next month's Intel Monthly MVP award - nominations are open now! The winner will be awarded a swag bag of Intel goodies, including an exclusive Intel Monthly MVP pin.

Nominations close on Monday 15th April.


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