
July 2023 Society of the Month - UWE Esports Society



Our July Society of the Month is the UWE Esports Society - Congratulations!

We chose UWE Esports for its fantastic social media presence they have been improving lately. We reached out to them to find out more about their social media manager and esports passion.


Who runs UWE Esports' Social Media adn where does their passion come from?

Thanks to our social media manager Lucy for being so active. Lucy’s passion for social media comes from her love of writing and an interest in video games which compliments our active community and successful teams.

What is great about being a part of an esportssociety at uni?

The society is great in so many ways. We have an incredibly active community that all get along fairly well allowing for people to form friendships during their time at uni. The bond between committee and members is incredibly strong which makes for getting inspiration for ideas very easy. Our teams all do well in both NSE and NUEL which definitely helps raise morale most weeks.

Any big plans for next year?

Some of the big events we have planned this year include a charity event with Roehampton University where we will be raising money for Richard house children’s hospice on the 24th of September. We also want to make significant progress with our esports room we have planned in order to give back to our amazing community. Finally, there may be a society wide prize giving for our members at the end of the year which I am currently planning.


We'd like to offer our congratulations to UWE Esports Society once again for their fantastic efforts. Hopefully, it can inspire other universities to up their social game!

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