
January 2024 Society of the Month - Edinburgh Napier Esports



Our January Society of the Month is the Edinburgh Napier Esports Society - Congratulations!

We chose Napier Esports Society for putting on a great Genshin Impact event, making use of the funding support from NSE & HoYoverse.

We reached out to 'Pixel Storm', the President of Edinburgh Napier Esports Society, to find out more about the society's Genshin Impact event and beyond! Here's what they had to say:

It was great seeing so many photos of your event on your socials, can you tell us more about the event and what exactly went on?
We chose to make our Genshin Impact event a Character Speed Drawing competition. We decided to do this as we thought it would be really fun and would require no prior knowledge or experience of Genshin. Myself and the rest of the committee team are rather creative folk too, and loved the idea of utilising our creativity for this event.

We would start each round by introducing the character and giving some fun facts, such as the region they are from, their vision element and their voice actor/actress. We’d then display a reference image of the character and our participants would have two minutes to draw them in any way they liked! Some chose to try and replicate the reference image as closely as possible, whilst others went for a more stylistic approach. There was no right or wrong answer – art is whatever you make it to be! Our panel of judges would then pick two winners for each round, and our winners could then come up and select the prize they wanted.

What was the best part of the event? Was there a particular activity that your favourite?
Prior to the event, Wellbeing Officer JemJem and I had drawn each character in advance, with some comedic elements sprinkled in here and there. I tried to make all of my doodles BEAR-ry cute. We revealed our drawings at the end of each round, most of which brought out a lot of laughs. I enjoyed seeing everyone’s reactions to each character and our jokes as the rounds progressed, as we had tried to make each one more difficult than the last – some of the official Wish artwork we used as reference images really blew people away towards the end!

Is there anyone you want to shout-out that helped bring the event to life?
We are very lucky to have strong connections with some of the other societies at Edinburgh Napier. When the chance to be on the judging panel at a Genshin event for us came up, a few of our friends from other society committees jumped at the chance! So, we’d love to give a shout-out to Napier’s Tabletop, Anime & Manga and Dungeons & Dragons societies. You are all super awesome people and we couldn’t have done it without you!

Any big plans for this year?
We’re in the process of arranging a Varsity Counterstrike match with the Queen Margaret Monarchs – when we heard that the ENU and QMU sports teams were going head-to-head for Varsity week, we knew we had to get in on the action! Hopefully we’ll be able to stream this match on our Twitch channel, with casters from both sides!

Aside from Varsity, we’re just looking to continue to grow gradually over time and to improve our offerings to our members. We’re still a fairly new society, having designed our Raven jerseys only just before the winter break, so we’re hoping to inspire our members to purchase one for the upcoming season (you can get one from our store here 😉 ). We’d love to get a big group photo with everyone in team jerseys at some point, but there’s no rush for that goal as we know it might take some time for lots of players to acquire them.

Anything else you want to add?
If anyone reading this is thinking about running a Genshin event for your society, I’d say go for it! You have nothing to lose except a little bit of your time, but almost everything to gain. The freebies are pretty cool, and it might surprise you at how willing people are to get involved. So yeah, don’t be nervous about it, just jump in and give it a go!

We'd like to offer a huge congratulations to Edinburgh Napier Esports Society, we hope to see many more awesome things from you this year!

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