
August 2023 Society of the Month - Edinburgh Eclipse Esports



Our August Society of the Month is the Edinburgh Eclipse Esports Society - Congratulations!

We chose Edinburgh Eclipse Esports as the trailer they submitted for our A-Level Results Day Stream was brilliant and showcased their whimsical community and sense of humour. We asked Eclipse to talk a little bit about where they got the idea to make such a fantastic video, what inspired them, and to credit the people responsible. Here's what they had to say:


"As our society is moving into its second year of existence, the committee really wanted something unique to share with our community that would kick-start the year. It started with the idea of compiling some of our most awful clips from each game, partly to show that we are a fun society at heart but also to encourage the competitive among us to prove that they can do better in the coming season!

The majority of the credit goes to our Treasurer, Kat, who compiled the clips we had collected from members of the society and edited together the trailer together with some input and feedback from the remainder of the committee. It also wouldn't be possible without our incredibly talented players, who you'll be seeing more of this year!"


We'd like to offer our congratulations to Edinburgh Eclipse Esports once again for their fantastic efforts. Hopefully, it can inspire other universities to up their trailer game!

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