
Genshin Impact Fontaine Photo Competition


Genshin Impact Cryo Photo Competition
18/09/2023 @ 12:00
25/09/2023 @ 23:59
Disc - jordyunknown



With the recent release of the stunning Fontaine region, we're thrilled to announce the Fontaine Photo Competition!

As you explore this breathtaking new region and its captivating characters, we want you to capture its essence through your lens. The theme is open to interpretation; whether it's a picturesque landscape, an engaging portrayal of the region's unique architecture, a creative snapshot featuring Fontaine's charismatic characters, or any other unique perspective you can imagine, we want to see your artistic interpretations of Fontaine's charm!

You can share your photos with us in two ways:

  • Tweet us your photo @nse_gg and include both #GenshinImpact and @GenshinImpact in the tweet
  • Share your photo in the #genshin-impact channel in our Discord server, tagging @jordyunknown

The winner will be chosen by the NSE Community Team. 

Open to: Students and Alumni

Starts: Monday 18th September, 12:00pm
Closes: Sunday 24th September, 11:59pm

1st Place Prize: £10 Amazon Gift Card

If you are interested in more community events, check out our Community Activity hub.