
Genshin Impact Cosplay Qualifier - University of York


18/11/2023 @ 13:00
18/11/2023 @ 17:00
Disc - _joana_

003A, Alcuin East Wing, Alcuin Way, Heslington Rd, Heslington, York YO10 5DD


We want to see you wearing your best Genshin Impact cosplay!


NSE is hosting a live in-person Genshin Impact Event in London called Marketplace Magic: Genshin Campus Celebration. Part of this event will be the finals for the cosplay competition, in order to make the finals you must first qualify either via one of the 5 in-person qualifiers at selected universities or via the online qualifier (you can try and qualify through both online and in-person). 


The University of York will be hosting one of these qualifiers, if you are lucky enough to qualify and make it to the finals, you could earn yourself a chunk of the £1500 prizepool!


Find out more about Marketplace Magic: Genshin Campus Celebration here


If you can't make this qualifier take a look at our other qualifiers on the events page.