
Rainbow 6 Siege Summer

Rainbow Six Siege

4 Weeks Swiss League
Top 4 Elimination


Rainbow 6 Siege Summer will be split into 2 stages running for a total of 6 weeks.

During Summer, alumni will have the opportunity to compete alongside students in a mixed team format. To participate, all players must have attended the same University. If you're an Alumni and need assistance setting up your account, simply fill out this form or get in touch with to create your mixed team.

Stage 1 - League Stage

During the league stage pairings will be decided using the Swiss system. In the first round teams will be paired randomly then in subsequent rounds teams will be paired to play a team with the same or similar number of games won. During the Swiss stage each team will play two Bo1 matches per week.

Stage 2 - Playoffs

Four to eight teams with the highest number of points in the Swiss stage will qualify for the playoff bracket, with the victorious teams advancing to the Finals.


1st Place 5x Summer Winners Jersey
2nd Place £100



  • All players must have been attended the same University.
  • Mixed teams of Students and Alumni are allowed.
  • Teams must have at least 5 players. Teams may add/remove players from team between weeks.
  • Teams will play in the 6-round Role Swap format, consisting of 6 rounds attack then swapping to 6 rounds of defence with the winning team being the first to win 7 rounds. If the score is 6-6 then a 3-round overtime begins to decide the winner.
  • All players are required to install and run Moss Anticheat for all tournament matches.
  • Check in deadline is 6:30pm. Teams who don't check in will not get games for that evening.
  • If teams are more than 20 minutes late they will forfeit a map.
  • Offensive player and team names are not allowed.
  • Verbal abuse is not allowed. In particular any use of racist, sexist, homophobic or any other discriminatory language will lead to a minimum 3 week suspension.

The following skins are the only operator skins to be used in play:

  • Default Skins
  • Pro League Gold skins
  • All R6Share scheme skins
  • Esports Programs’ cosmetics

Map Veto

All maps picked must be picked from following map pool which will be announced before season begins.

  • Bank
  • Border
  • Chalet
  • Clubhouse
  • Kafe
  • Oregon
  • Skyscraper
  • Theme Park
  • Villa

Map Veto - Best of Three

The higher seeded team can elect to be Team A or Team B within the following process:

  1. Team A bans 1 map
  2. Team B bans 1 map
  3. Team A picks the map for game 1 and Team B has side choice, Team A has OT starting side choice 
  4. Team B picks the map for game 2 and Team A has side choice, Team B has OT starting side choice 
  5. Team A bans 1 map
  6. Team B picks the third map and Team A has side choice, Team B has OT starting side choice 

Map Veto - Best of One

The higher seeded team can elect to be Team A or Team B within the following process:

  • Starting with Team A, teams take turns to veto one map until only one map remains.
  • Team A has side choice, Team B has OT starting side choice

Players are expected to uphold the NSE Code of Conduct whilst competing in this tournament

All decisions regarding the interpretation and enforcement of these rules is at the sole discretion of the NSE Admin Team, whose decisions are final.
These rules may be amended, changed or supplemented when required by the NSE Admin Team to ensure fair play and competitive integrity.

Date Stage
Tuesday 27th June

Sign-ups close

Thursday 29th June

Week 1 Swiss

Thursday 6th July

Week 2 Swiss

Thursday 13th July

Week 3 Swiss

Thursday 20th July

Week 4 Swiss

Thursday 27th July


Thursday 3rd August

