4 Weeks Swiss League
Top 4/8 Elimination
Dependant on sign-ups
Overwatch Summer will be split into 2 stages running for a total of 7 weeks.
During Summer, alumni will have the opportunity to compete alongside students in a mixed team format. To participate, all players must have attended the same University. If you're an Alumni and need assistance setting up your account, simply fill out this form or get in touch with alumni@nse.gg to create your mixed team.
Stage 1 - League Stage
During the league stage pairings will be decided using the Swiss system. In the first round teams will be paired randomly then in subsequent rounds teams will be paired to play a team with the same or similar number of games won. During the Swiss stage each team will play two Bo3 matches per week.
Stage 2 - Playoffs
Four to eight teams with the highest number of points in the Swiss stage will qualify for the playoff bracket, with the victorious teams advancing to the Finals.
1st Place 5x Summer Winners Jersey
2nd Place £100
Map Veto
All maps picked must be picked from Following Map pool
Control: Antarctic Peninsula, Ilios, Lijiang Tower, Nepal, Oasis
Hybrid: Blizzard World, Hollywood, King's Row
Escort: Havana, Junkertown, Rialto, Shambali Monastery
Push: Colosseo, Esperanca, New Queen Street​
Best of Five
For best of 5 maps game modes will be played in the following order with the higher seed choosing map in the first game and lower seed choosing starting side. In subsequent games the loser of the previous map chooses the next map and the winning team chooses side.
Best of Three
Best of 3s will work in the same way except only three game modes will be played. The three games modes will rotate each week with the oldest remaining game mode removed and the unplayed game mode from previous week re added to pool e.g.
Players are expected to uphold the NSE Code of Conduct whilst competing in this tournament
All decisions regarding the interpretation and enforcement of these rules is at the sole discretion of the NSE Admin Team, whose decisions are final.
These rules may be amended, changed or supplemented when required by the NSE Admin Team to ensure fair play and competitive integrity.
Date | Stage |
Tuesday 27th June |
Sign-ups close |
Thursday 29th June |
Week 1 Swiss |
Thursday 6th July |
Week 2 Swiss |
Thursday 13th July |
Week 3 Swiss |
Thursday 20th July |
Week 4 Swiss |
Thursday 27th July |
Playoffs |
Thursday 3rd August |
Playoffs |
Thursday 10th August | Playoffs |