
Apex Legends NSE Winter

Apex Legends

4 Week League

3 Games Per Week


Online via the NSE Discord


Sign-ups are now closed, to check in and view fixtures please visit


Apex Legends NSE Winter will run over 4 weeks. Teams will earn points each game based on their final position and kills, these will contribute to an ongoing leaderboard.



1st - £150

2nd - £90

3rd - £60

Top 4 - BUEC Championship Pins

In addition to other prizes this tournament awards British University Esports Championship Points.

This tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors.



  • All players must be current University Students
  • Check-in deadline is 6.30pm. Players who don't check-in will be automatically dropped from the tournament.
  • Teams must have at least 3 players. Teams may add/remove players from team between weeks.
  • Teams are expected to arrive promptly to all games. If a team is more than 15 minutes late for start of game they will not be included in that game.
  • Offensive ingame names are not allowed. 
  • Verbal abuse is not allowed. In particular any use of racist, sexist, homophobic or any other discriminatory language will be suspended for the remainder of the season (minimum of 3 weeks, carried over to the following season).

Click here to download the full rulebook

Players are expected to uphold the NSE Code of Conduct at all times whilst playing in tournament.

All decisions regarding the interpretation and enforcement of these rules is at the sole discretion of the NSE Admin Team, whose decisions are final.
These rules may be amended, changed or supplemented when required by the NSE Admin Team to ensure fair play and competitive integrity.


World's End


Teams will earn 1 point per kill, in addition to this, teams will earn points based on their final position each round:

Finish Position Points
1st 12 Points
2nd 9 Points
3rd 7 Points
4th 5 Points
5th 4 Points
6th - 7th 3 Points
8th - 10th 2 Points
11th - 15th 1 Point
16th - 20th 0 Points

In the event of a tie, the following tiebreaks are applied in order
Highest scoring game
Best placement (in one game)
Total kills

This tournament is not affiliated with or sponsored by Electronic Arts Inc. or its licensors.

Dates Tournament Stage
Sunday 15th Oct Sign-ups Close
Tuesday 17th Oct Week 1
Tuesday 24th Oct Week 2
Tuesday 31st Oct Break Week
Tuesday 7th Nov Week 3
Tuesday 14th Nov Week 4

Each week teams will play 4 games. All games will be played on Tuesday evening and cannot be rearranged. Games will have a normal start time of 7.15pm.
