
Rainbow 6 Siege NSE Winter

Rainbow Six Siege

Week 1-3 Qualification

Week 4-7 Playoffs and Swiss

Week 8 Finals


Online with Live Finals


Sign-ups are now closed, to check in and view fixtures please visit

Rainbow 6 Winter Championship is split into 2 main stages: Stage 1 Qualification (Weeks 1-3) and Stage 2 Swiss/Playoffs (Weeks 4-7)

Stage 1

In Stage 1 teams will be initially seeded into 3 skill groups. In the first round teams will play another team in the same skill group and in the following rounds be matched versus teams with a similar record in the tournament.

Stage 2

In Stage 2 the top 16 teams will start in the Championship bracket (a double elimination bracket) and everyone else will continue playing in a Swiss tournament starting with points based on their finish in stage 1. Teams who do well in the Swiss can qualify for Challenger bracket or Division 3.

Initial Prizes

1st - £500

2nd - £300

3rd - £200

Top 8 - BUEC Championship Pins

In addition to other prizes this tournament awards British University Esports Championship Points.



  • All players must be current students from the same university. 
  • Teams must have at least 5 players.
  • Teams will play in the 6-round Role Swap format, consisting of 6 rounds attack then swapping to 6 rounds of defence with the winning team being the first to win 7 rounds. If the score is 6-6 then a 3-round overtime begins to decide the winner.
  • OSU is banned from play until further notice.
  • All players are required to install and run Moss Anticheat for all tournament matches.
  • Check in deadline is 6:30pm. Teams who don't check in will not get games for that evening.
  • If teams are more than 20 minutes late they will forfeit a map.
  • The League will also feature the Operator/Map ban phase and 6th pick as seen in UKIN with the following maps being in the pool:
    • Club House
    • Bank
    • Coastline
    • Kafe
    • Oregon
    • Chalet
    • Villa

Click here to download full rules

Dates Tournament Stage
Tuesday 19th October Sign-ups Close
Thursday 21st Oct Qualification
Thursday 28th Oct Qualification
Thursday 4th Nov Qualification
Thursday 11th Nov

Week 1 Playoff Brackets
Week 1 Swiss

Thursday 18th Nov

Week 2 Playoff Brackets
Week 2 Swiss

Monday 22nd Nov

Lower Bracket Extra Game (Division 1 Only)

Thursday 25th Nov

Week 3 Playoff Brackets
Week 3 Swiss

Monday 29th Nov

Lower Bracket Extra Game (Division 1 Only)

Thursday 2nd Dec

Week 4 Playoff Brackets
Week 4 Swiss

10/11/12th Dec (Provisional) Grand Finals at live event

All games with the exception of the Grand Finals and Division 1 playoffs all games will be played on Thursday evening and cannot be rearranged. Games will have a normal start time of 7.15pm.  
