
League of Legends Summer League

League of Legends
Riot Id

4 Weeks of Swiss

1 Week Semifinals

1 Week Finals




Signups are now closed to find matches/Submit results please visit


League of Legends Summer League will be split into two stages running for a total of 6 weeks. 


Stage 1 - League stage

During the league stage pairings will be decided using the Swiss system. In the first round teams will be paired randomly then in subsequent rounds teams will be paired to play a team with the same or similar number of games won. During the Swiss stage each team will play three Bo1 matches per week.

Stage 2 - Playoffs

The 4 teams with the most points in the Swiss stage will qualify for the Bo3 Semifinals with the winners advancing to Finals. 


Full rules LINK

Rules Summary

All players must be current students of the same university.

All games are tournament draft on EUW server.

Teams must have at least 5 players. Teams may add/remove players from team between weeks.

If teams are more than 20 minutes late to the scheduled start time of a match they forfeit the match.

Check in deadline is 6:45pm. Teams who don't check in by then will not get games for that evening.

No skins are banned.

Proxy picks are allowed. Players may pick a placeholder champion if they don't own a champion they wish to pick for a teammate. If you are using a placeholder you need to make sure the other team is aware before allowing champion select to progress.

New/reworked champions are banned for 1 week.

Offensive Summoner and Team names are not allowed.

Verbal abuse is not allowed. In particular any use of racist, sexist, homophobic or any other discriminatory language will lead to a minimum 3 week suspension.

Date Tournament Stage
16th July Swiss
23rd July Swiss
30th July Swiss
6th August Swiss
13th August Semifinals
20th August Finals

All matches take Tuesday evening with first game scheduled to start at 7.15pm.
