Introducing two new members to the NSE team
We're excited to announce two new members of the NSE team. We'd like to wish Laura and April a warm welcome!
On the 15th of March, Owen McIntyre from Xbox UK&I joined us on the Intel FutureGen Broadcast to talk about his experience getting into the gaming industry and his role within the Marketing team at Xbox.
In case you missed the broadcast, find the timestamped VOD below.
0:00 - Introduction
1:40 - Career Path
4:30 - Job Role & Responsibilities
8:15 - Pivoting Careers
13:45 - Teachings & Involvement
17:25 - Favourite project
19:50 - Networking
23:05 - Outro
We'll have our next Intel FutureGen broadcast session Wednesday 29th of March, more info to come soon!